Community Corner
“VERSATILITY, VISION, and willingness to CHALLENGE audiences,”
Welcome to the Gamm Theatre’s 37th Season
Sponsored in part by Greenwood Credit Union
Since its founding in 1984, The Gamm has been one of the region’s premier professional theaters and a tremendous cultural asset. The Gamm is a destination for critically acclaimed productions, including numerous world and regional premieres. It is the recipient of several Elliot Norton Awards from the Boston Theater Critics Association, among other professional recognitions.
Greenwood is proud to play a part in keeping this dynamic organization anchored in the Warwick community. Through our support and others, the theater provides a wide range of robust education and community programs, promoting life-long literacy for thousands of school students grades K-12 and underserved audience members each year. Humanities forums and post-show talkbacks further enhance the intellectual and cultural life of the community.
Not familiar with The Gamm? See all they do in the community and how you can get involved at